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All Immune Health Articles
Should You Take a Probiotic With an Antibiotic?
06/13/2023 | 5 min. read
Dr. Sinatra answers your questions about taking a probiotic with antibiotics: Why it’s important, when and how long to take it, and what probiotic strains are best.
Top 7 Healthy Lung Tips
05/30/2023 | 5 min. read
Good lung function is a cornerstone of health. Dr. Drew Sinatra reveals supplements and other natural therapies for supporting lung health.
Ayurveda and Seasonal Affective Disorder
01/23/2023 | 7 min. read
Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary discusses ancient Ayurvedic treatments that help to treat seasonal affective disorder today and prevent it in the future.
Cancer Fighting Foods To Incorporate
5 min. read
Healthy Directions delves into cancer-fighting foods and how incorporating them into your diet can help protect your overall health and wellness.
Can You Get Covid More Than Once?
5 min. read
The COVID virus has impacted and infected millions since the spring of 2020. But is it possible to get COVID more than once?
Your Immune Health Questions, Answered
6 min. read
What should you eat to support your immune system? Which supplements help? Drs. Drew & Briana Sinatra answer your immune health questions.
Scurvy Symptoms: The Red Flags
5 min. read
Scurvy symptoms, although uncommon, can be severe enough to cause serious health conditions. Healthy Directions has more on what red flags watch for.
White Blood Cells: What Do They Do?
5 min. read
What do white blood cells do, and why are they important? Healthy Directions takes a closer look at this important blood component.
Allergy Symptoms To Watch Out for
5 min. read
Healthy Directions discusses what allergies are, including their common symptoms and what allergy symptoms you should watch out for.
How to Make Your Immune System Stronger
7 min. read
What are the best supplements for boosting immunity and protecting against viral infections? Dr. Stephen Sinatra shares his top recommendations.
Dr. Williams explains how a simple mouth gargle solution you can make at home can protect against viral infections.
Symptoms of Having Too Much Zinc
6 min. read
Having excessive zinc in your system can be difficult to diagnose without a prescribed lab test. So how much zinc is too much? Read on to find out.
Clear Breathing for Healthy Lungs & Heart
6 min. read
Dr. Sinatra explains the connection between lung and heart health and gives tips for healthy lungs and clear breathing.
Dr. Briana Sinatra provides eight healthy habits that help you boost your immune system.
Dr. Williams explains the differences between prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, and how each of them influence gut, immune, and overall health.
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