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What Is Rhodiola: Benefits and More

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Rhodiola is a beautiful yellow flower that grows on the cold mountaintops of Europe and Asia. Medical practitioners within the vicinity of the Rhodiola, especially in Russia and Scandinavia, have praised the flower’s positive effects on the human body.

Because of the subtle availability of this flower, however, the rest of the world has not been able to conduct concrete research to support these claims. Nevertheless, medication and supplements made from this flower and its compounds exist, and now more and more people are beginning to attest to the flower’s capabilities.

This article will look over what little research has shown us so far and the possible benefits and side effects that may arise from using Rhodiola.

What Is Rhodiola?

The full name for the Rhodiola is “Rhodiola Rosea.” According to its Latin origins and root words, believe it or not, this name roughly translates to “rosy rose.” Since then, the flower has been given a few other nicknames: the arctic root, golden root, roseroot, and king’s crown.

Most people, however, know it as Rhodiola Rosea.

As was mentioned before, this flower grows in cold or high altitudes in certain parts of Europe and Asia. Because of this, locals believed the Rhodiola contains properties that could aid someone in adjusting to the high altitudes and lack of oxygen after ingesting the flower. It was also believed that the flower could provide strength, endurance, and a general increase in performance.

These were, at least, the traditional reasons for taking Rhodiola.

The research and testing performed on these flowers were fairly intangible, to begin with. The effects and potential medical purposes of the plant were spread by word of mouth and local traditions. However, we have been given good reason to perform more research on the Rhodiola flower.

Medications that include crushed grains made from the Rhodiola Rosea have been made available to the US, and it has gained a fresh number of people claiming that the flower has positive effects.

Potential Benefits of Rhodiola

The flower shows a lot of potential with moderate scientific proof. People who have ingested the flower have shown increased signs of energy, improved mental performance, alertness, and decreased symptoms of exhaustion and mental fatigue.

Mental and Physical Enhancements

Their bodies even appeared to be more resilient and fit afterward. After further study, however, it was discovered that this is not due to the flower’s physically-enhancing abilities but rather its mentally-enhancing ability.

Rhodiola contains certain components that counteract stress hormones and combat fatigue, which can help alleviate symptoms of stress and tension.

Currently, the number one reason for continuing to research Rhodiola is its possible positive impact on the user’s mental health. Those who have taken Rhodiola have noticed themselves feeling more relaxed, more alert, aware, and energized.

Boost Memory Function

Studies have even shown an increase in cognitive function after using Rhodiola, which means the flower could be used in supporting the prevention of memory loss or certain disorders.

It is believed Rhodiola has the ability to help improve other brain functions as well. If someone is suffering from a low libido, this may be directly related to stress and tension. Then, Rhodiola fights this by believing stress and stimulating the user for easier arousal. It may even be able to help cases of ADHD by heightening the attention span.

Taking Rhodiola as a supplement for mental health, especially for fighting stress or moderate depression, has proven to be the safest use of the flower so far.

Enhancing Immune System

Besides possibly offering significant improvements to the quality of mental health (and thus, physical health in the process), Rhodiola has also been tested for improving the immune system. Rhodiola users have shown decreased effects of aging and recorded a boosted immune system.

Potential Side Effects of Rhodiola

As studies have increased to track the usage of Rhodiola, major benefits have been recorded, which gives plenty of drive towards further research. During these studies, side effects have inevitably arisen, such as dizziness or dry mouth.

Of course, anyone can be allergic to virtually anything, including Rhodiola. This means that using it can result in irritation, headache, or trouble breathing. In some cases, Rhodiola has even had the opposite of the intended effect.

Sometimes, it can cause even more tension or other mood or nervous system issues to develop. Other times, it can bring insomnia, which is its own issue, but lack of sleep can also contribute to stress.

Works as a Stimulant

One major concern while considering the use of Rhodiola extract is that it is a stimulant. To some users, it has helped regulate levels of libido.

To other users, it has resulted in “activation,” which is a state of overstimulation or hyperarousal, which is unhealthy for the user. It usually entails symptoms of restlessness and a general lack of self-restraint.

For this reason, adults should be aware of their own bodies and hormonal levels before using Rhodiola, but children, especially under the age of 13, should not be allowed to use it.

Hormonal Imbalance

Offsetting the balance of hormones in the body at a young age can potentially stunt the child’s growth, lifelong health issues, and deformities. Even allowing a teenager to use the herb Rhodiola in low doses should be approved by a physician first since a person's hormones constantly change during adolescence.

Unexpected Reactions

Rhodiola has also proven to be dangerous for some users in combination with other traditional medicine they are taking. This is a common issue with both old and new treatment. It can be simple to predict or observe side effects based on a medication’s basic, unmodified nature.

But an endless count of chemicals and medications can be mixed with it to introduce new, potentially hazardous, properties. So far, doctors have mostly vetoed the use of Rhodiola if you are taking any other antibiotic, antianxiety, or antidepressant meds like MAOIs due to drug interactions. You should even keep away from caffeine while using Rhodiola.

In Conclusion

At Healthy Directions, we believe in providing a better path to better health. When used correctly, Rhodiola can be a safe and effective way to support mental health, energy, and overall wellness.


Assessing Cognitive Impairment in Older Patients | NIH

Rhodiola | NCCIH

Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemopreventiom | NIH

Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health | MHA National

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